
Showing posts from July, 2017


I am floating the wind swirls around me lifting me higher with each breath I take. the sun shines brightly against my cheeks it no longer burns. my arms stretch reaching towards the bright sky. for the first time they are hungry for warmth. my body is lifted higher and higher into the light of day. it is carried on a breeze filled with love. my soul is soaring gently and peaceful. for the first time, it is untroubled. I am bursting with life. I have grow and continue to do so.

Time Spent

I have spent enough time being afraid. I used to think I wasn't strong enough to survive I was so tired. I have spent enough time feeling lonely. I used to think I wasn't strong enough to live. I was so lost. I have spent enough time being angry. I used to think I wasn't strong enough to let joy blossom. I was so empty. I have spent enough time feeling hopeless. I used to think I wasn't strong enough to breathe. I was so unsure. I have spent enough time not being who I was meant to be. I am strong enough.


I have lived many lives. as a child, I found myself    dreaming of the past a past I   didn't remember, but was not afraid of. My dreams carried me across the universe I learned the language of the stars they would sing me   lullabies as they shined in my eyes. I never grew tired. But the universe is vast and endless. even though the stars never sleep they do grow tired   of singing. I never liked feeling lonely I never liked feeling alone. I was always afraid to wake up to discover my lives had been nothing   but a dream. when the stars     stopped singing the moon taught me her melody. I never grew afraid.

Waking up.

For so long, I could only hear the screaming. it rang in my ears filling my head with noise from dawn to dusk When night fell, the screams fell away too. when the screams stopped     only silence. I couldn't decide       which one was worse. it became madness every time light broke so would the silence I never needed an alarm clock. when they would fade I sometimes found myself missing them. at least with the screaming, I couldn't hear the sorrow. nights brought far too much quiet. left me too much time to hear the sadness beating in my chest. Without them, I felt emptier. Like a part of me     was waiting to be filled. For far too long, I lived with them they drowned out    the noise of my struggling existence. For far too long, I welcomed them. they became a friend who could never leave me behind. Once, I asked them        to stop. They only screamed     louder. For far too long, I gave up I gave in I was numb.

Full Stop

I have been told that endings are only beginnings with a hint of sorrow but nothing makes me sadder than closing the back cover to my favorite story. oftentimes, I finish a book too quickly. it can seem that no time has passed at all as I was lost  in the world of its pages but I have learned that I can always go back to page one. I have found a retelling of my favorite story leads to new discoveries, and wonders I had been blind to before. When I go back,   to the start, back to page one I am overcome with excitement to live in this world again even for only    a little longer. I have learned that endings are truly beginnings with a hint of apprehension but nothing makes me happier than opening the front cover to my favorite story and starting   all over. oftentimes, I find myself skipping through the chapters of my own story. it can seem like    time has slipped through my fingers as quickly as     pages turn to ash and I am